TIAAO Memberships
If you are not a current member, simply find the membership description below that's right for you and select join now!
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is available to any one of the following:
All officers, officials, or employees of governmental agencies not directly involved in property valuation, property tax administration, or property tax policy.
All officers, administrators, employees and enrolled students of educational institutions.
Individuals involved in or interested in property valuation, property tax administration, or property tax policy.
Any member of any organization, group, or association, whether local, regional, national, or international, interested in property valuation, property tax administration or property tax policy.
Anyone who is an associate member of IAAO.
An associate chapter membership does not require membership in IAAO, but may be an IAAO associate member. Associate members are nonvoting members.
As of January 1, 2024 Associate Membership dues will also include Chapter Meeting fees.
Retired Membership
Retired Membership may be conferred upon any individual designated by the Executive Board who was a regular member for a period of not less than 7 years, and has retired from the assessment/appraisal profession, but wishes to retain association with this chapter. Retired members will have voting privileges as long as membership in the International Association of Assessing Officers is maintained.
Membership Application
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